In A Small Town is the 3rd book release by fictional, life inspired author Amy Veal Frantz that I have had the opportunity to collaborate with to design the book cover spread, publishing page layout, formatting & develop supporting promotional ads for. For Amy it was important that this cover design instill a small town feel reflective of the small Georgia town she grow up, with local shops were everyone knows everyone & lush cherry trees. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection

In A Small Town is a fictional story by Amy Veal Frantz based on the small Georgia town she grow up, with local shops were everyone knows everyone & lush cherry trees. Based on the design consultation I conceptualized 3 distinct cover concepts that I felt gave an authentic American vibe using either pixabay edited images &/or Adobe Stock images.

Breaking Through is the 2nd book release of life inspired fictional author Amy Veal Frantz that I have had the pleasure of designing the cover, page layout & promotional ad for. Though this is a stand alone story line, it is a continuation of her 1st book Breaking Free so it was important that this cover design incorporate the same title & author name font usage for visual consistency. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection

Breaking Through is real life inspired fictional novel about how overcoming adversity can have a beneficial influence on the people we become & befriend by Amy Veal Frantz. Based on the design consultation I conceptualized 2 similar yet distinct cover concepts. The 3rd design I proposed is a metaphor based on my interpretation of the story line. All 3 concepts incorporate pixabay edited images.

Stan Starsky recently contracted me to redesign his book cover design spread to allow for select content modifications such as:.Title editing, background image clean up, photo editing, silhouetting & other modifications using Adobe Photoshop. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection

As part of an employment screening process representative of Braughler Books publishing requested selected interview candidates designed a covered design spread using provided imagery, text & branding materials. For this assignment I extracted, from the primary image a warm dark green tone to contrast with a basic white for the background & a bold san serif font.

I had the pleasure recently to work new author Amy Veal Frantz to bring her passion project to life. During the initial consultation I had the opportunity to learn more about her, her vision for her 1st book cover design & the real life story this fictional novel is inspired by. This information was instructive in helping me design a cover that reflected a strong, independent women who was "free" and assist with select cover text copy writing. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection #photoediting

As this fictional novel is based on real life experiences of the author, Amy Veal Frantz she wanted the featured character image to reflect herself while looking into the distance. I was fortunate to find 3 distinctively different & impactful images to on pixabay, an option choose based on budget consideration, that filled the authors vision.

Cover spread & page layout design for children's illustration book by Joel Gresham. Each interior page joins a motivational "I AM" statement with a delightfully illustrated and colored "Bear" illustration. The concept behind the book is to inspire endless possibilities while entertaining. I was instrumental in co-writing and editing interior text, page layout and cover design. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout

Contracted by independent author Michelle Y. Dilworth to redesign a cover spread for her first book entitled "No One Noticed the Heart of this Child" & page layout formatting for both soft cover publications & ebook readers. The book is a story of her life journey from a life of negate and abuse from childhood that continued to her own family till she found her spiritual path. Of the 3 design concepts submitted for consideration the client instantly selected this design concept with no edit requests. We're waiting on publisher logo and ISBN number to finalize this project. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection #photoediting

Independent author Michelle Y. Dilworth contracted me to redesign her first book cover. During the consultation the client indicated that she had a collection of images from a recently completed photo shoot with her grandchildren that she wanted to use within her cover design. The image on the right is 1 of 2 layouts I designed using those images and the image to the left is an alternate design option I created for consideration using a stock image photo I found on Shuttershock.

Nondestructive Selective Color, Levels and Brightness/Contrast Photoshop filters were used to enhance the color palette and overall visual impact of the client provided photo used in the approved design comp direction.

Book cover spread for Independent SYFY author R.A.L. Phillips first novel "Rise of the Alien Queen" & page layout formatting for both soft cover publications & ebook readers. The clients only specification was that they wanted a "blue" reptile eye within the cover. Visit "Client Promotional Marketing Materials"to view promotional materials. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection #photoediting

To achieve the "blue" eyed reptile for the "Rise of the Alien Queen" book cover I used a combination of nondestructive Photoshop filters to alter the original color of the purchased stock image illustration.

Original design concepts for SYFY author R.A.L. Phillips. During the initial consultation the client requested a tan colored cover design showcasing a "blue" reptile eye. In conceptualizing design options I created an design comp that fulfilled her requested and expand upon that by creating a secondary cover deign option that reflected her SYFY theme and title more accurately.

Book cover design spread for motivational speaker & author Pete Smith latest book titled "Dare to Matter". In conceptualizing design options it was important to incorporate a singular image that would illustrate a visual sense of becoming "unstuck". #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #creativedirection #photoediting

Original book cover design concepts for motivational speaker and author Pete Smith. The concept on the left was rejected while concept on the right was selected with modification to front and back cover design layout.

Book cover design spread for spiritual author Miracle Reeds first book entitled "Treasured - The truth about your worth and value". From the onset of the project the client expressed her wish that the cover incorporate images that would visually represent "Treasure". From the 1st 2 design concepts submitted it was agreed that the image of a "pearl" within a shell in combination with the necklaced framing the primary title names symbolically gave the design a sense of elegance and purpose. The final deign required detailed Photoshop craftsmanship remove the independant images from their background to combine them into a unified final image. #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #creativedirection #photoediting

Original book cover design concepts for spiritual author Miracle Reed. The concept on the lower left was rejected while client saw promise in the concept on the right. Several rounds of design modification where implemented form upper right to left tooth the front and back cover design layout.

eplaybook cover design for Tiny Dancer. Author specifically requested not to include their name on the cover desgin.. #bookcoverspreaddesign #ebookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout #creativedirection

ebook cover design for author TJ Meinerz fact based fictional story entitled "Life Meets with the End of Motion". The incorporation of the emotionally stirring swastika and heartbreaking looking image of the little girl holding her Raggedy Ann was strategically conceptualized to generate the intended emotional response to the subject matter of child abuse in the conservative South. #ebookcoverdesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #creativedirection #photoediting

Original book cover design concepts for fictional author TJ Meinerz. The cover and subject matter of this e-book were inspired by true life stories of child abduction and human trafficking in the American South. The concepts on the lower and upper right was rejected while client saw promise in combining aspects from both the lower and upper left hand concept.

"Food is Power, Cooking is Love" final approved book cover design & page layout design for Celebrity Chef Elisa Eliot. From the project onset this client indicated they wanted to cover design to be text based utilizing colors from the existing Wholesome Meal food product logo. To tie the cover into the logo design I incorporated the graphical "O" element of the logo with the first part of the book name utilizing the green to represent "power" and the white to represent the purity of "love". #bookcoverspreaddesign #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #publishingdesign #pagelayoutdesign #pagelayout

Original book cover design concepts for Celebrity Chef Elisa Eliot. This design required only minimal design and layout edits.