Promotional print ad for TNL's new product release - #packagedesign #promotionaldesigns #printaddesign #cgmdesigns #adcampaign #newproductrelease #creativedirection #contractdesigner

Digital brochure design layout development for new start-up Excelerate Fitness - #brochuredesign #layoutdevelopment #promotionaldesign #artdirection #creativedirection #designconsultation #marketingdesign #logoredesign #contractdesigner #freelancedesigner #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #remotegrahpicdesigner #femalegraphicdesigner

Contract by
Scott Lowry, Founder and CEO, Connecticut Health AI Collaborative to design a rush event promotional flyer for Connecticut’s Health AI Collaborative #eventflyerdesign #flyerdesign #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #addesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Split full page magazine ad for Texas based animal emergency care clinic Animal-ER and rehab & recovery center Wonder Pet. This is 1 of a series of various sided ads for print and digital promotional placement. #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Small alternative sized split side-by-side magazine ad I'm working on for Texas based animal care centers Animal ER and Wonder Pet. This is a variation of the full and half page magazine ads I recently created for them. Due to the small 7.5x4.75" size of the ad it was essential to alter the layout to accommodate the required content. #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Bill Mills, a representative for the Tewksbury - Wilmington Elks Lodge contracted me to design a new Informational Tri-Fold brochure for an upcoming industry trade show event. I used Adobe InDesign for the layout & the existing logo for color scheme along with modified text from their existing brochure & pixabay.com downloaded pics. Additional works are in production. #brochuredesign #brochurelayout #trifolddesign #trifoldlayout #promotionalbrochure #documentlayoutdesign #artdirection #creativedirection #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Contacted by Mr. Griffin, own of the Griffin Welding School out of Texas to design a promotional digital social medial ad announcing new course dates. #promotionalad #digitalad #informationalad #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

New product sell sheet. #informationalad #addesign #promotionaldesign #productsellsheet #marketingmaterials #retailproductpromotion #artdirection #creativedirection #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Instagram promotional ad announcing real life inspired fictional author Amy Veal Frantz 2nd book release, Breaking Through is availble to buy on Amazon Books in paperback & kindel download. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromtion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #instagramkad #instagramaddesign #socialmediaaddesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Promotional FaceBook page banner announcing the release of author Amy Veal Frantz's 2nd real life inspired fictional novel, Breaking Through for sale on Amazon Books. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromotion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #facebookbannerad #addesign #bannerdesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Instagram promotional ad announcing the launch of 1st time fictional author Amy Veal Frantz new real life inspired book, Breaking Free, now for sale on Amazon Books as a paperback & ebook. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromtion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #instagramkad #instagramaddesign #socialmediaaddesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

FaceBook promotional ad announcing the launch of author Amy Veal Frantz's new coming of age fictional novel, Breaking Free, now for sale on Amazon Books. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromotion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #facebookad #facebookaddesign #addesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Promotional FaceBook page banner announcing the eBook launch of author Amy Veal Frantz's new coming of age fictional novel, Breaking Free, on Amazon Books. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromotion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #facebookbannerad #addesign #bannerdesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

I was contracted by Kelly McNutty, 1 of the Board of Directors of the South Carolina based Bay Club Sea Lots, to design & layout the associations 2 page newsletter. The association provided their brand logo, that established the color scheme & property image for inclusion in layout header. For visual interest I modified a spring feeling graphic footer to add visual interest. #newsletterdesign #newsletterlayout #newsletter #informationaldocument #documentlayoutdesign #artdirection #creativedirection #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Monique Pearson, owner of "I am the Travelogist" contracted me to design an event SM banner and a series of instagram ads for her up coming free webinar. Her vision for the design was influenced by the provided brand logo, supporting elements and brand style guide that specified color palette & font selection campaign consistency. #eventad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #eventmarketingmaterials #promotionalmaterials #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Monique Pearson, owner of "I am the Travelogist" contracted me to design an event SM banner and a series of instagram ads for her up coming free webinar. Her vision for the design was influenced by the provided brand logo, supporting elements and brand style guide that specified color palette & font selection campaign consistency. #eventad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #eventmarketingmaterials #promotionalmaterials #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Monique Pearson, owner of "I am the Travelogist" contracted me to design an event SM banner and a series of instagram ads for her up coming free webinar. Her vision for the design was influenced by the provided brand logo, supporting elements and brand style guide that specified color palette & font selection campaign consistency. #eventad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #eventmarketingmaterials #promotionalmaterials #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Monique Pearson, owner of "I am the Travelogist" contracted me to design an event SM banner and a series of instagram ads for her up coming free webinar. Her vision for the design was influenced by the provided brand logo, supporting elements and brand style guide that specified color palette & font selection campaign consistency. #eventad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #eventmarketingmaterials #promotionalmaterials #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Full page promotional magazine ad for wavecorp.com #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #informationalad #addesign #bannerdesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Promotional FB ad for independent author R.A.L. Phillips new SYFY book release currently available for purchased in print and ebook formats.#promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromtion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #instagramkad #instagramaddesign #socialmediaaddesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Promotional FB banner ad for independent author R.A.L. Phillips new SYFY book release currently available for purchased in print and ebook formats. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromotion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #facebookbannerad #addesign #bannerdesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Promotional social media banner ad for indépendant author R.A.L. Phillips promotional page. #promotionalad #digitalad #eventpromotion #socialmediaads #publishingpromotion #publishingdesign #informationalad #digitalbannerdesign #digitalbanner #facebookbannerad #addesign #bannerdesign #cgmdesigns #christinamichaelidis #christinagmichaelidis

Informational side of Lady Cuir handbag & shoe restoration services promotional postcard mailer.

Design layout development of Lady Cuir's informational postcard mailer.